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Equine Care

Training program horses are required to subscribe to full boarding, training, and care services


Care & Basic Grain Service​

  • This service is provided 7 days a week

  • Basic grain service includes grain (fed up to 2x per day) and electrolytes

  • All supplements and medications are at the owner’s expense and if supplemented, billed accordingly

  • Monitoring feed program

  • Bathing, routine face and leg clipping, mane pulling

  • Wrapping

  • Coordination and assistance of vet and farrier appointments and other therapists

  • Executing vet instructions and therapies

  • Administering medications

  • Theraplate, ice boots, and other therapy service


Supplies & Laundry Service​

  • Supplies necessary for horse care at home and show: Bemer Therapeutic Blanket, ice, brushes, towels, leg wraps, polos, bell boots, saddle pads, shampoo, hoof oil, tape, laundry soap, fly spray, show sheen, alcohol, ointments, liniments, poultice, hoof pack, ice boots, vacuums, ear plugs, carrots/cookies, hay nets/tubs, spray bottles, hoof picks, mane combs, turn out blankets, turn out boots, fly masks, feed buckets, water buckets, stall gates, brooms, shovels, picks, rakes, wheel barrows, muck skips, clippers, blades, rubber mats, cross ties, fans, lunge lines, lunge whips, surcingle, bitting rigs, extra bits, horse equipment, etc. laundering service for all pads, polos, towels, etc. used at home. Other miscellaneous supplies including tools and labor expense for all barn, ring, jump client, equipment repair and maintenance, office supplies, liability insurance, administrative expense, farm equipment insurance/registration, repair & maintenance.


Additional charges billed directly: horses that require extra grain, medications, or supplies



Franktown Meadows Equestrian Facility
4200 State Rd 429, Carson City, NV 89704


Tel: 775-849-1600

© 2025 Franktown Meadows Academy & Training

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